Heralbony: A Unique Blend of Art, Life, and Design

Atsushi Morita's Innovative Packaging Design for Heralbony Wins Silver A' Design Award

Atsushi Morita's Heralbony, an art-life brand, has created a unique packaging design that not only serves its functional purpose but also tells a story of inclusion, creativity, and branding excellence. This design has earned Heralbony the prestigious Silver A' Design Award in 2023.

Atsushi Morita, the founder of Heralbony, was inspired by a personal connection to autism, which led him to create a brand that promotes the artwork of artists with disabilities. The brand's color, "Biotope GA-FS Magellan Blue," was chosen from over 9,000 paper types, symbolizing World Autism Day's signature color. This choice of color not only unifies the brand's style but also serves as a powerful statement of the brand's mission.

What sets Heralbony's packaging design apart is its unique "brand paper" concept. All packaging and branding tools that customers interact with are developed using a single type of paper. This approach not only creates a consistent brand image but also significantly reduces the cost of color proofing, making high-quality branding more accessible to small businesses.

The packaging design is realized using Magellan Blue paper from Biotope GA-FS, chosen for its elegant feel and craft-like texture. The brand's style is further unified by using only foil stamping for the packaging and promotional tools, featuring a horse motif logo and an original font derived from the diary of Morita's autistic brother.

The design specifications are meticulously detailed, with dimensions provided for a range of products, from tie packages to shopping bags. This attention to detail ensures that the brand's style is consistently represented across all products and promotional materials.

Despite the challenges of being a social start-up with a limited budget, Heralbony has managed to create a high-quality, consistent brand image while cutting unnecessary costs. This achievement is a testament to the brand's innovative approach and commitment to promoting the works of artists with disabilities.

In conclusion, Atsushi Morita's Heralbony is a shining example of how design can be used not only to create a visually appealing product but also to tell a story and promote a cause. The brand's innovative use of a single type of paper for all branding materials, coupled with its commitment to promoting the works of artists with disabilities, has earned it well-deserved recognition in the form of the Silver A' Design Award.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Atsushi Morita
Image Credits: Photographer Yusuke Tsuchida, 2019 to 2022.
Project Team Members: Atsushi Morita
Project Name: Heralbony
Project Client: Atsushi Morita

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